
Our Words...

I can't thank you enough! The coaches and volunteers spent so much one on one time with my daughter Sofia. Sofia came to the program almost three years ago, she couldn't swim, she was not even able to put her face in water.  Today she is doing amazing, swimming with her friends, jumping and learning the strokes, and getting more confident in water. This is a great benefit for Sofia's health as well. She has scoliosis and swimming is the best exercise for her. Where else would she swim three times a week and get this great opportunity.”

Natasha (2016)

Hello my name is Jacob and I am 15 years old. I am a swimmer from the dolphins swim club. I enjoy swimming with the dolphins. The coaches are really nice to work with. I took lots of other lessons but I was not able to swim so I said I want to join the dolphins swim club to learn how to swim really well. Darryl is one of my best coaches ever. He knows how to teach me everything at the dolphins. I just think he is the best coach ever. Ross is also a great coach and Leon too.  I know lots of my school friends are in the dolphins. I have lots of friends in the dolphins Thank you for letting me be in the dolphins.”

Jacob (2016)

Our daughter, Jessica really looks forward to swimming and seeing the coaches and other participants, there is great motivation in numbers. The Dolphins Swim Club is a great way for the swimmers to stay physically fit throughout the year and have a lot of fun doing so. Thank you so much for sponsoring the Dolphins Swim Club this will be the second year my daughter is in the program and she is so pleased with the swim club.  Thanks,  

Maureen Larsen (2016)

 “I cannot express how grateful we are that our daughter has learned to swim! We have struggled for years with the typical swimming lessons that never really amounted to any progress.  During our first practice at dolphins, I literally cried as I watched not only everyone swimming so well, but they were also swimming length after length after length! It was amazing! The coaches did not lower their expectations, but encouraged and expected each swimmer to do their best! It was a wonderful experience and my daughter can swim so much better and is motivated to push herself! We are grateful and look forward to a long relationship with the Dolphin Swim Club!” 

Tess Tieman (2016)

We are grateful that The Dolphins has taught Rowan to swim so well because he can easily and safely be included in water activities with his family and friends. In addition, this year will be his second year on his High School swim team, allowing him an opportunity for meaningful inclusion with his peers. Last year at the High School Awards Assembly, he received the ‘The Swimming Coach’s Award’ for excellence in athletics. He could not have been prouder (me too!).  

Thanks to the Dolphins for getting him to this point!

Michelle McIntyre (2016)

Matthew has been swimming with dolphins for more than 10 years. When he first started he couldn’t do even one length. Now he swims 50 to 60 lengths. It has helped maintain his fitness when other activities became too difficult. Matthew has severe hip problems and in the last few years he became increasingly less mobile. The pool and the dolphin club provided him an opportunity to participate in fitness that didn’t cause more pain and he could keep up with friends. On land he was very slow and walking was painful. This year Matthew underwent two separate hip replacement surgeries and swimming was part of the rehab process. He was very happy when he could get back to the pool, his friends and coaches-even if all he could do was walk in the pool. He missed a good part of last year and is looking forward to the 2018/2019 season. It will be interesting to see how his swimming develops now that he can actually use his legs more! We are very thankful for all the work the coaches do with all our swimmers! We love Dolphin Swim Club!! 

Sue O’Dwyer (2018)

This year Rowan won the Dolphins’ Top Athlete award. He worked so hard; swimming 88 lengths of front crawl in less than an hour. Rowan loves being a part of the team and he loves the strenuous exercise. Dolphins enables him to push himself to his full potential. The coaches are full of positive reinforcement and they give him the one to one help with improving his swim strokes along with constant reminders to improve his technique. Rowan also loves the citywide swim meets. Dolphins has taught him how to be competitive and being in the swim meets imbues him with great pride. I’m so grateful for the unique club which gives my son and his teammates so many tremendously positive outcomes. 

Michelle McIntyre (2018)

Thank you, Mavericks, for your sponsorship to the Dolphins Swim Club. My daughter, Jessica, really enjoys being a part of the Swim Club, and looks forward to every swim class. The coaches are fantastic, and the other swimmers make it a fun place to be an athlete.

Maureen Larsen (2018)

Jaxin started with the Dolphins for his first time last September. He went from not being able to swim to swimming! Thanks in a HUGE part due to Matthew his coach. Jaxin even got the Rookie of the Year award at the year end banquet! We were so very proud of him and he was so very proud of himself! Swimming has helped Jaxin in so many ways, exercise, learning and taking direction and being part of a wonderful club and community! He LOVES to swim and cannot wait to get back in the pool in September! 

Regards, Sheri Wright (2018)

Our son Trevor often surprises us and exceeds our expectation and learning to swim with the Dolphins has certainly been one of those instances. What he has learned in two years is amazing and now he swims better than I do, but that is not the best part. Being able to swim capably has opened up opportunities for him. He can now go to the YMCA with his school friends and participate in all they do there, including swimming without us needing to accompany him and hover over him. Swimming has helped him fit in with his peer group and simply have fun with his friends on his own terms. This year he is anxious to participate in his first swim meets and we are excited for what he might achieve next.

Karl Gossen (2018)